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Product: 089. Devonian spore assemblages from northwestern Gondwana: taxonomy and biostratigraphy

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Product - 089.  Devonian spore assemblages from northwestern Gondwana: taxonomy and biostratigraphy Image
Price: £66.00
Members' Discount: - £33.00
Stock Level: Out of Stock
Print Status: In Print
Weight: 0.54 KG


89. Devonian spore assemblages from northwestern Gondwana: taxonomy and biostratigraphy, by Pierre Breuer and Philippe Steemans. 163 pp; 56 figures (mostly in colour); 1 table.

Devonian spores from 16 subsurface successions in Saudi Arabia and North Africa are systematically documented. Identification and description of 205 spore taxa permit characterisation of assemblages across the northern margin of western Gondwana. All described species are illustrated in colour.