Project Title
Supervisors and Institutions
Funding Status
Project Description
The Natural History Museum, London is now advertising a PhD position (36 months - possibly extending to 48 months) studying reef-associated molluscan faunas in the Coral Triangle. In particular you will focus on so-called "marginal" turbid water ecosystems that might act as critical ecological refugia as reefs respond to anthropogenic change. You will study gastropod faunas and their taxonomic and functional diversity to document the ecosystem functioning of fossil and modern turbid reefs in this biodiversity hotspot. This work will include collecting and analysis of live, bulk Recent and fossil sedimentary samples, and sedimentary ancient DNA datasets. You are expected to push the boundaries of the interface between coral reef palaeoecology and molecular biodiversity assessment methods based on the analysis of ancient and recent sedimentary DNA. The goals are to assess the response of Pliocene to Recent molluscan faunas to changing reef conditions and to establish a novel method for measuring the health of living reefs.
The project would be suitable for somebody with good knowledge of aquatic invertebrate biodiversity - particularly molluscs, molecular biology lab experience and a strong interest in marine or reef ecology. The inter-disciplinary project will involve field work and a broad training programme. The position is embedded in an EU Marie Curie training network "4D-REEF", with a consortium of 11 partner institutes across the world.
Eligible candidates from any country are welcome to apply.
Application information:
4D-REEF project:
Project supervisors and further information:
Jon Todd (NHM, London:
NHM website:
Owen Wangensteen (UiT, Tromso:
Google Scholar:
Personal website: