1 Start 2 Review 3 Complete Nominated By Full Name * Email * PalAss Membership Number M I you are a PalAss member and logged in your online your membership number will appear here. If you are not a member please ignore this field. Nomination Supporting Document * The candidate must be nominated by two members of the Association (proposer and seconder; names and contacts details required). The nomination must consist of: (i) a two-page career summary (font-size 12); (ii) a list of 10 papers that demonstrate significance and breadth of research; (iii) Profession Standards and Behaviour declarations by the nominators in relation to the nominee. The two-page career summary should outline the significant contribution to the science in terms of research and also other activities such as outreach, teaching, mentoring and administration (including that relevant to palaeontology at their home institutions, scientific societies and at higher levels, such as funding bodies and government advisory panels). We are looking for evidence of both depth and breadth in research with clearly identified achievements and breakthroughs. Relevant honours and awards may be mentioned. If a candidate has taken time out from their professional career for family or other purposes this should be highlighted. The completed Professional Standards and Behaviour forms should be either combined with the aforementioned PDF or email seperately to the Secertary and/or Executive Officer.Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: pdf. Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions * Yes I Agree I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this award as stated on the webpage Lapworth Medal. Share this Content PalAss Go! URL: http://go.palass.org/kcz | Twitter: Share on Twitter | Facebook: Share on Facebook | Google+: Share on Google+