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Key roles for the Palaeontological Association are to recognise excellence in our profession by the award of medals and other prizes, and to encourage research and educational activity by the award of grants. The awards and grants are international in scope, and there is no limit of nationality.

The Association sees its lists of medal and award winners as a record of the very best palaeontologists worldwide, at different career stages, and offering different kinds of contributions to the field. The Association stresses the importance of nominations, and encourages all members to make nominations.

Palaeontological Association grants are offered to encourage research, education, and outreach through different means. Undergraduates, early stage researchers, and otherwise unfunded persons are given special encouragement to apply. All of these awards and grants are core to the charitable aims of the Palaeontological Association.

Volunteering for a Grant Review Panel

The Palaeontological Association is seeking volunteers from our Membership to assist in reviewing grant applications. We welcome individuals with a broad range of expertise to help ensure a fair and thorough evaluation process. If you are interested in contributing, please complete the online webform: Volunteering for a Grant Review Panel