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PhD: Tracing Earths Early Oxygenation by Synchrotron Element Mapping of Microbialites

Project Title

Tracing Earths Early Oxygenation by Synchrotron Element Mapping of Microbialites


University of Manchester

Supervisors and Institutions

Dr Stefan Schroeder (University of Manchester), Prof Roy Wogelius (University of Manchester), Dr Mike Buckley (University of Manchester), Dr Bart van Dongen (University of Manchester), Prof Jonathan Lloyd (University of Manchester)

Funding Status

Funding is in competition with other projects and students

Project Description

Oxygenation of surface environments during the Archean-Palaeoproterozoic (the Great Oxidation Event, GOE, around 2400 Ma) was a fundamental prerequisite for all later biological evolution on Earth. This key event in Earth history was possible through the development of cyanobacterial oxygenic photosynthesis . However, exactly when oxygenic photosynthesis evolved, and how it shaped the oxygenation of Earth’s surface environments, is an on-going debate. This study uses for the first time modern microbial structures (stromatolites) to determine if they record a trace metal (metallomics) signature of oxygenic photosynthesis. Such a modern baseline signature will then allow a test whether it can survive through geological time and when photosynthesis evolved. Microbial fabrics in rocks such as stromatolites provide a direct record of microbial consortia, including cyanobacteria, and can potentially trace oxygenation. Carbonate precipitation, which stabilizes and promotes lithification of the microbial mat, is a typical by-product of photosynthetic processes , and of heterotrophic degradation of cyanobacterial biomass7 . As these consortia respond to changing oxygen levels, they incorporate vital trace elements, such as metals, into the cell structure and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Metals and their degradation potentially provide a tracer of an active photosystem, and this fingerprint can potentially survive over geological time. Colleagues at SEES and Stanford University have developed Synchrotron Rapid Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence (SRS-XRF) methods for non-destructive mapping of the chemical composition within biological structures. This allows high-resolution mapping of element concentrations, their oxidation state and coordination with organic carbon and sulfur. Pilots have demonstrated the technical feasibility of analyzing metal enrichment using SRS-XRF on modern mats and Archean stromatolites.

Contact Name

Dr Stefan Schroeder

Contact Email

Link to More Information

Expiry Date

Friday, January 19, 2018
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