We are planning the 6th International Palaeontological Congress which will be held in Thailand from the 7th to the 11th November 2022 plus fieldtrips and we are now inviting symposium suggestions. We aim to assemble an exciting and highly informative programme. These symposia may run for one or more days and subjects may be on all aspects of our science and its connections to biology and earth and planetary science, from the Archean to the Holocene and cover work from all continents. Suggestions for interdisciplinary, ‘cutting-edge’ and new technology symposia are particularly welcome. Please include the contact details of suggested conveners and co-conveners with a short description of the proposed symposium. We have also proposed some tentative symposia and we are open to suggestions for suitable conveners. For more information, visit our website https://ipc6.msu.ac.th/scientific-sessions/. We will include sessions of IGCP 700 Carbonate Build-ups in South East Asia and other IGCP projects in the programme and fieldtrips.
The symposia suggestions will be considered by our scientific committee and, in order to limit the number of concurrent sessions, not all suggestions will be included and some may be combined.