We are very pleased to invite you all to Geomuseum Faxe in Denmark for the 9th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans. This conference is co-organized by the Geomuseum Faxe and the University of Alabama (Department of Museum Research and Collections & Alabama Museum of Natural History). Although the conference is focused on decapod crustaceans, research on other crustaceans is also welcome. The conference consists of an icebreaker followed by 2 conference days full of talks and posters and 2 field trip days. The conference venue is very close to the Faxe Limestone quarry, which is the type locality for the Danian age, and has preserved the remains of a 63 million year old fossil cold-water coral reef. The quarry is famous for its high number of well-preserved fossils, including very abundant decapod fossils that have been formally reported from Faxe since 1820. Check out the website for detailed information.