We would like to encourage submissions to our session at the 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology taking place in Prague:
Sedimentary environments as the theatres of life and evolution (T05-SS05)
The objectives of this session are (1) to recognise what information of major Earth-historical evolutionary innovations and extinction events is archived within the ancient sedimentary record; (2) to unravel sedimentary clues pertaining to the influence of physical environments on ancient organisms; and (3) to improve understanding of how the fossil record and physical sedimentary record co-evolved as the biosphere became an increasingly significant component of the geosphere.
We encourage submissions from researchers in a broad range of fields, including: ichnology, palaeoecology, sedimentary geology, geochemistry, and geomorphology, in both marine and non-marine settings.
Deadline for abstract submission is 15th February, early bird registration closes 14th April 2020.