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Progressive Palaeontology: Bristol 9–11th April 2015
Progressive Palaeontology is back in Bristol in 2015! We look forward to seeing you on the 9th–11th of April for some fantastic talks, great social events and an exiting field trip into Wales.
The conference will kick off on the evening of Thursday April 9th with an icebreaker reception in the Sky Lounge of our new, state of the art Life Sciences Building. The Sky Lounge offers stunning panoramic views over Bristol and towards Bath.
On Friday the 10th of April the conference will begin in earnest with a full day of talks, lightning talks and a poster session. The conference venue is the School of Chemistry in the heart of the University campus. In the evening, we will hold the conference dinner, venue TBC.
Finally on Saturday the 11th of April, we will be heading to Wales to explore some Mesozoic and Palaeozoic fossil localities as well as enjoying a pub lunch. Fieldtrip guide: Download (PDF | 0.5 MB)
Programme & Abstracts
You can download the Programme & Abstact booklet here: Download (PDF | 3.6 MB)
Contact Us
Join our Facebook group or follow us on twitter #ProgPal15. You can email us on progpal15@palass.org.
Meeting organisers
Joseph Keating, Chris Rogers, Fiona Walker, JJ Hill, Mark Puttick, Luke Parry, AL Tanner, Max Stockdale, and Ben Moon