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Article: The earliest tissotiid ammonite

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 20
Part: 4
Publication Date: January 1978
Page(s): 901 906
Author(s): W. J. Kennedy and O. H. Bayliss
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Pseudotissotia (Pseudotissotia) inopinata sp. nov. is described from the Upper Cenomanian phosphatic Calycoceras naviculare/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Zone fauna of Division C of the Cenomanian Limestone of Shapwick Grange, Devon. It is the earliest occurrence of the otherwise exclusively Turonian genus Pseudotissotia Peron, 1897, and the Turonian to Coniacian Family Tissotiidae Hyatt, 1900. The family is otherwise unknown in the Cretaceous of the United Kingdom.
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