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Article: Trilobites from the Ordovician Auchensoul and Stinchar limestones of the Girvan District, Strathclyde

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 22
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1979
Page(s): 339 361
Author(s): R. P. Tripp
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Four new trilobite faunules from the Barr Group of the Girvan District are recorded; three new species are described—Remopleurides ateuchetos, Raymondaspis brocklochensis, and Hemiarges inghami. A new specific name, Xylabion kirkdandiensis, is proposed for a form from the Confinis Flags. The trilobite assemblages indicate inshore conditions of deposition; the Stinchar Limestone fauna at Minuntion Quarry is a good example of the shallow-water illaenid-cheirurid community. The close resemblance to certain lower Esbataottine Formation species indicates equivalence in age, probably upper Chazyan. The upper part of the Stinchar Limestone is Llandeilo in terms of the British succession; it is not certain whether the lower horizons are Llanvirn or not, but there is no sign of a break in the trilobite faunas of the Barr Group, apart from that attributable to transgression.
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