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Article: New Cretaceous fish fossils from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 30
Part: 4
Publication Date: December 1987
Page(s): 829 837
Author(s): Lance Grande and Sankar Chatterjee
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Based on Late Cretaceous fossils from Seymour Island, hexanchiform sharks and a beryciform teleost are reported from the Antarctic region for the first time. The hexanchiform is a species of Notidanodon, and the beryciform is a new genus and species of Trachichthyidae. Fragmentary orthacodontid teeth (Sphenodus? sp.) are also reported. An abundance and variety of indeterminate teleost bone fragments (e.g. isolated teeth and centra) were also found. During the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary of the Antarctic region, the diversity of fossil teleosts is much less apparent than that of the fossil sharks; but this is probably only an artefact of preservation, because skeletal fragments (isolated teeth in particular) normally are much more diagnostic (i.e. identifiable) for chondrichthyans than they are for teleosts.
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