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PhD: Experimental decay and fossilization of soft tissues

Project Title

Experimental decay and fossilization of soft tissues


University of Manchester

Supervisors and Institutions

Robert Sansom, Jon Lloyd, Bart Van Dongen, Michael Buckley

Funding Status

Funding is in competition with other projects and students

Project Description

The exceptionally preserved fossil record of soft tissues sheds unique and powerful light on evolutionary events as diverse as the Cambrian explosion of animal diversity and the colour of dinosaur feathers. Soft tissues are, however, distorted and transformed during decay and fossilization. To make sense of these changes and the data that the fossils provide, it is necessary to experimentally investigate decay in laboratory settings. The resulting patterns and processes can completely transform our understanding of fossils and the inferences drawn from them (Sansom et al 2010, Raff et al 2008). In many senses however, the links between experimental decay data and empirical fossil data remains unclear. Are the chemical, biological and physical parameters of experiments realistic given geological parameters? Can results be generalized given variability in sediments and microbial ecology? How do these considerations affect interpretations of the fossil data? This project aims to test the validity of experimental taphonomy by investigating processes of decay, their applicability to the fossil record and thus the evolutionary inferences drawn.

Contact Name

Robert Sansom

Contact Email

Link to More Information

Expiry Date

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
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