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Article: The Middle Palaeozoic squamulate favositids of Victoria

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 3
Part: 2
Publication Date: August 1960
Page(s): 186 207
Author(s): G. M. Philip
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Of the thirteen nominal species of squamulate favositid described from the Middle Palaeozoic of Eastern Australia and New Zealand, two, Favosites squamuliferus Etheridge 1899 and F. grandiporus Etheridge 1890, are recognized as discrete species, and one closely related non-squamulate species, F. moonbiensis Etheridge 1899, is also recognized. F. squamuliferus is interpreted as an extremely variable species containing eight arbitrarily separated formae. Eleven European and Russian species are noted which fall within the range of variation of F. squamuliferus and F. grandiporus, Favositid wall structure and septal apparatus are also discussed.
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