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Article: Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from the Ballydeenlea Chalk, County Kerry, Ireland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 9
Part: 3
Publication Date: October 1966
Page(s): 492 510
Author(s): F. T. Barr
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Twenty-three species of Upper Cretaceous foraminifera have been recovered from the newly discovered (Walsh 1960) Ballydeenlea Chalk of County Kerry, Ireland. These are the first Upper Cretaceous foraminifera reported from the Republic of Ireland and the westernmost Upper Cretaceous fauna found in Europe. This faunal assemblage shows that the Ballydeenlea Chalk can be correlated with part of the Upper Chalk (Senonian) of England and Northern Ireland. The presence of Bolivinoides decorata (Jones) in this fauna indicates further that the Ballydeenlea Chalk is, at least in part, Upper Campanian in age and equivalent to the Belemnitella mucronala zone of the British Isles and Western Europe.
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