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Article: The occurrence and palaeobiogeographical significance of the foraminiferid Yaberinella from the Eocene of Oman

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 35
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1992
Page(s): 237 245
Author(s): C. G. Adams and Andrew Racey
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Yaberinella jamaicensis Vaughan. a genus and species previously regarded as endemic to the Americas, is described from a sample of Middle Eocene (Lutetian) limestone from coastal Oman. The new occurrence is shown to be well within the known stratigraphic range of this species in the Caribbean region. Recently published records of Austrotrillina, Helicostegina, Helicolepidina, Lepidocyclina, and Polylepidina are discussed briefly in the context of the disjunct distribution of Yaberinella. It is considered that since the widely-distributed and relatively well-studied faunas of Middle Eocene carbonate facies are apparently still so incompletely known, the case for provincialism among Palaeogene larger foramiiiifera is weakened, and published conclusions relating to dispersal routes for some Tertiary genera may well be premature.
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