1 Start 2 Complete Call for Volunteers:The Palaeontological Association is seeking volunteers from our Membership to assist in reviewing grant applications. We welcome individuals with a broad range of expertise to help ensure a fair and thorough evaluation process. If you are interested in contributing, please complete the webform, which includes uploading a completed Professional Standards and Behaviour Declaration form: Professional Standards and Behaviour (Self-Declaration).Volunteers will be contacted before each grant review round to confirm their availability.Your support is invaluable in helping us maintain the high standards of our grant programs. Thank you for considering this opportunity! Personal DetailsPlease sign into your PalAss account and this section will populate from your membership details. First Name * Last Name * Email * Membership Number * M Grants you would be intrested in reviewing Grants * YesNot SureNo Carer's Bursary * Carer's Bursary - Yes Carer's Bursary - Not Sure Carer's Bursary - No Career Developement Grants * Career Developement Grants - Yes Career Developement Grants - Not Sure Career Developement Grants - No Engagement Grants * Engagement Grants - Yes Engagement Grants - Not Sure Engagement Grants - No Grant-in-Aid * Grant-in-Aid - Yes Grant-in-Aid - Not Sure Grant-in-Aid - No Reseach Grants * Reseach Grants - Yes Reseach Grants - Not Sure Reseach Grants - No Small Grants Scheme * Small Grants Scheme - Yes Small Grants Scheme - Not Sure Small Grants Scheme - No Undergraduate Research Bursaries * Undergraduate Research Bursaries - Yes Undergraduate Research Bursaries - Not Sure Undergraduate Research Bursaries - No Please indicate which grants you feel most suited to reviewing. If unsure please select "Not Sure" and we will contact you to confirm suitability. Area(s) of Expertise Please list areas of expertise and any previous reviewing experience. Availability Please list any known periods durring the years that would be not be able to undertake grant reviewing. Profession Standards and Behaviour Declaration(s) Profession Standards and Behaviour Document(s) * Please upload your completed Profession Standards and Behaviour Declaration as a PDF file (blank document linked above).Files must be less than 10 MB.Allowed file types: pdf. Share this Content PalAss Go! URL: http://go.palass.org/pcs | Twitter: Share on Twitter | Facebook: Share on Facebook | Google+: Share on Google+