Dr Mark Sutton, Dr Imran Rahman and Dr Russell Garwood are pleased to be providing a training course in the freely-available SPIERS software suite (http://www.spiers-software.org/) for tomographic reconstruction prior to this year's Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association in Cardiff.
This will run from 09.00 - 12.00 on Monday 14th December, before the opening symposium.
The conference organisers have kindly organised a room in Cardiff University - next door to the museum - in which this will be held. The workshop is funded by the Software Sustainibility Institute (http://www.software.ac.uk/), which allows us to provide lunch for all attendees. The SSI funding was awarded to promote the use of open source software in palaeontology. In this vein, if you can't make the training course, I'll be around the whole conference, and will be more than happy to provide advise or training, on Fiji/ImageJ, SPIERS, Blender or Drishti.
If you're interested in attending please email me directly so we can get an idea of numbers, and you can find more information here: http://www.spiers-software.org/cardiff.htm.
Best wishes,
Russell Garwood