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Progressive Palaeontology 2025 - Edinburgh, UK: Presentation Guidelines

Year: 2025
Location: Edinburgh, UK
Hosted By: University of Edinburgh
Organised By: Adam Manning, Milly Mead, Laura Cooper, Ruaridh Alexander, Edwin Rodriguez, Tea Reinert, Carly Pilgersdorffer, David Kirson, Gemma Laker, Issy Walker, Jack Davidson, Ross Simpson
General Contact Email:

Presentation Guidelines

There will be three different types of presentations available to delegates wishing to present their research at ProgPal 2025. 

Full talks are 15 minutes total with 12 minutes speaking time and 3 minutes set aside for questions. Slides should be submitted before the conference, and we will provide a submission deadline once speakers have been decided. 
Lightning talks are 5 minutes total with 3 minutes speaking time and 2 minutes set aside for questions. Slides should be submitted before the conference, and we will provide a submission deadline once speakers have been decided.
Posters will be available for viewing through the conference, and will also receive a dedicated session. Posters should be printed in A0 portrait, and delegates should print these prior to the conference and bring physical copies with them.

In addition, we will also be including a keynote talk, which will lead the talk session on day 2 and be 40 minutes in length. The keynote speaker will be chosen by the committee from amongst the full talks. We will notify the chosen speaker in advance of our final decision.

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