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Article: Conodonts from near the Middle/Upper Devonian boundary in North Cornwall

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 13
Part: 3
Publication Date: October 1970
Page(s): 335 354
Author(s): W. T. Kirchgasser
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Conodonts of the Polygnathus varcus (Middle Devonian, Givetian) Zone and the lower (Upper Devonian) and upper part of the Lower Pol. asymmetricus Zone (Upper Devonian, Frasnian la) are reported from thin turbidite limestones in the upper Trevose Slates, Marble Cliff Beds, and lower Longcarrow Cove Tuffs and Slates, respectively, near Padstow, North Cornwall. The localities include the south side of Trevone Bay and the overturned section along the coast at Marble Cliff. The fauna of the Schmidtognathus hermanni-Pol. cristatus Zone, which in Germany marks the Middle/Upper Devonian boundary of the conodont chronology, was not recovered, although some species that enter in that zone {Pol. cristatus [?] Hinde, S. wittekindti Ziegler and 5. peracutus (Bryant)) are found in the Marble Cliff Beds, associated with Palmatolepis transitans Muller, Pol. asymmetricus ovalis Ziegler and Klapper, Pol. asymmetricus asymmetricus Bischoff and Ziegler, and abundant Pol. decorosus Stauffer s.l. The first undoubted Upper Devonian conodonts occur in the Longcarrow Cove Tuffs and Slates near the base of Marble Cliff, where faunas include Ancyrodella rotundiloba (Bryant).
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