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Article: New Upper Carboniferous Chelicerata (Arthropoda) from Somerset, England

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 15
Part: 4
Publication Date: December 1972
Page(s): 569 578
Author(s): T. Ambrose and M. Romano
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Well preserved arthropods from the Farrington Group (Westphalian D) of the Somerset coalfield are described. Ten specimens of Euproops kilmersdonensis sp. nov., of which seven occur in a single bedding plane, permit a range of intraspecific variation and effects of deformation to be taken into account in erecting a new species. A reconstruction of E. kilmersdonensis does not show the presence of long ophthalmic spines. It resembles the type species, E, danae (Meek and Worthen 1865), differing in the shape of the cardiac lobe and ornament of the opisthosoma. Eophrynus jugatus sp. nov. is the third recorded species of the genus Eophrynus (which is known only in Britain) differing in dorsal and ventral ornament from the type species, Eophrynus prestvici (Buckland 1837).
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