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Article: Lapworthellids from the Lower Cambrian Strenuella Limestone at Comley, Shropshire

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1973
Page(s): 139 148
Author(s): S. C. Matthews
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A sample of some 10 kg from the Strenuella Limestone (Lower Cambrian) of Comley, Shropshire, etched in 10% acetic acid, has produced over 1000 small fossils. These include 281 specimens of Lapworthella dentata Missarzhevsky. L. nigra Cobbold, already known from higher in the Comley succession, was not found in this sample. L. dentata typically occurs in the upper part of the Atdabanian Stage in Siberia.
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