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Article: A new Quaternary ostracod genus from Argentina

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 3
Publication Date: October 1974
Page(s): 669 684
Author(s): Robin Charles Whatley and Teresa del Carmen Cholich
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A new genus, Pampacythere (Limnocytheridae), is described from the so-called marine transgressions of Quaternary age in the cordon-litoral between Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata. The genus is based upon two species, P. multiperforata and P. solam. The relationships between Pampacythere and other members of the Limnocytheridae are discussed. It is concluded from an analysis of their faunal associations, with both ostracods and other invertebrates, that the environment in which the two species lived was of brackish-water, probably oligohaline to meiomeso-haline.
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