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Article: Radnoria, a new Silurian proetacean trilobite, and the origins of the Brachymetopidae

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 809 822
Author(s): R. M. Owens and A. T. Thomas
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The new trilobite genus Radnoria is proposed to include the type, R. syrphetodes sp. nov., and two other species, R. triquetra sp. nov. and R. humillima (Barrande, 1852), from the Silurian of Britain and Czechoslovakia. Its morphology includes features typical of both the Brachymetopidae and Warburgellinae, suggesting a phyletic link between the two groups. The composition of the Brachymetopidae is discussed, and new family and subfamily diagnoses are given.
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