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Article: Terebratulide affinity of the brachiopod Spirifera minima Moore

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 879 882
Author(s): P. G. Baker and C. J. T. Copp
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Investigation of seventy-three recently rediscovered specimens of Spiriferina? minima (Moore) enables resolution of the problem of possible synonymy with Nannirhynchia longirostra Baker, 1971. Comparison of the cardinal areas and delthyria of the two species enables the distinction between S.? minima and N. longirostra to be clearly demonstrated. Further, the characters of the shell show that S.? minima (Moore) is a juvenile terebratulidine assignable to Terebratula and that N. longirostra Baker is validly designated.
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