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Article: The size-frequency distribution in palaeoecology: effects of taphonomic processes during formation of molluscan death assemblages in Texas bays

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 29
Part: 3
Publication Date: September 1986
Page(s): 495 518
Author(s): H. Cummins, E. N. Powell, R. J. Stanton Jr. and G. Staff
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Trichoptera pupae are described for the first time in the Indusial Limestone Formation of Saint-Gerand-le-Puy, Allier, France. The caddisfly pupal cases, named Indusia tubulosa, constitute this limestone. The relationships of these pupae to extant families are analysed and they are placed in the Limnephilinae. Fossil preservation and palaeoenvironment are discussed.
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