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Article: Neuropteris obtusa, a rare but widespread Late Carboniferous pteridosperm

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 41
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1998
Page(s): 1 22
Author(s): R. H. Wagner and M. P. Castro
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A rare but widespread neuropterid of Westphalian D and Stephanian age, Neuropteris obtusa (Brongniart) comb, nov., is redescribed from specimens from north-west Spain and Saarland, Germany. Its synonymy includes Neuropteris raymondii Zeiller, 'Mixoneura' subraymondii Wagner, 'Callipteris' discreta Weiss, and Neuropteris thompsoniana Darrah. Pustules in the interveinal areas of the pinnules in some specimens are interpreted as the probable result of fungal attack by rusts, although that they are glands cannot be excluded.
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