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Article: Palaeontology Collections and the Role of University Museum

Special Papers in Palaeontology - No. 22 - Cover Image
Publication: Special Papers in Palaeontology
Number: 22
Thematic Volume: Curration of Palaeontology Collections
Edited By: M. G. Bassett
Publication Date: 1979
Page(s): 67 74
Authored By: Isles Strachan
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University museums are extremely varied in their size and content but they provide in differing ways a very important source of material for study. Some of the older British collections are briefly considered and the functions of these and the more modern university palaeontological collections discussed. Lack of finance and staff are the main problems which make the collections less used than they could be, but education of both staff and students is needed if the heritage in these museums is to be preserved.

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