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Article: A new scyphozoan from the Cambrian Fortunian Stage of South China

Palaeontology - Volume 60 Part 4 - Cover
Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 60
Part: 4
Publication Date: July 2017
Page(s): 511 518
Author(s): Yunhuan Liu, Tiequan Shao, Huaqiao Zhang, Qi Wang, Yanan Zhang, Cheng Chen, Yongchun Liang, and Jiaqi Xue
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Animals with radial symmetry are abundant in the Cambrian Fortunian Stage of South China, but with relatively low diversity: representatives include Olivooides, Quadrapyrgites, carinachitiids, hexangulaconulariids and Pseudooides. Here, we report a new radial animal, Qinscyphus necopinus gen. et sp. nov., from the Fortunian small shelly fauna of southern Shaanxi Province, South China. Qinscyphus necopinus has a cup‐shaped profile, with slightly raised annuli and five groups of triangular thickenings in pentaradial symmetry. This organism has a comparable morphology to, and thus a close affinity with, Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites, and is interpreted as a coronate scyphozoan. This discovery adds a new crown‐group cnidarian to the Cambrian Explosion.

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