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Article: Probable cirripede, phoronid, and echiuroid burrows within a Cretaceous echinoid test

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 1
Part: 4
Publication Date: January 1959
Page(s): 397 400
Author(s): K. A. Joysey
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Natural flint casts representing several different types of burrows were found within the thickness of the test of a Chalk echinoid. They have been compared with the burrows inhabited by various living animals. It is concluded that they indicate the probable presence of an acrothoracican cirripede, a phoronid, and an echiuroid, and the possible presence of a lamellibranch, polychaet and other 'worms', and sponges. No new names are proposed for these burrows because they cannot be regarded as parts of organisms.
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