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Article: Ammonoids and trilobites from the Upper Devonian and lowest Carboniferous of the Launceston area of Cornwall

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 3
Part: 2
Publication Date: August 1960
Page(s): 153 185
Author(s): E. B. Selwood
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An ascending sequence of strata, comprising the Petherwin Beds, the Stourscombe Beds, and the Yeolmbridge Beds, is noted at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. The ammonoid and trilobite fauna of these beds is described.The genus Kenseyoceras and the contained subgenus K. (Mayneoceras) are proposed, and Epiwocklumeria is redefined. The following species are redescribed or proposed:Petherwin Beds (Platyclymenia and Clymenia Zones): P. (Platyclymenia) valida (Phillips), P. (Platyclymenia) pattisoni (M'Coy), Costaclymenia muensteri (Ansted). Stourscombe Beds (Wocklumeria Zone); Wocklumeria sphaeroides (Rh. Richter), Epiwocklumeria dunhevedensis sp. nov., Kosmoclymenia pattisoni sp. nov., Cyma-clymenia constricta sp. nov., C. constricta var. globosa nov., Parawocklumeria laevigata sp. nov., P. laevigata var. obesa nov., Parawocklumeria sp., K. (Kenseyoceras) rostrata gen. and sp. nov., K. (Mayneoceras) sinuconstricta subgen. and sp. nov., Discoclymenia cornwallensis sp. nov., D. aff. cornwallensis sp. nov. Yeolmbridge Beds (Gattendorfia Zone): C. (Macrobole) drewerensis Rud. & E. Richter sens nov., C. (Macrobole) sp.
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