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Article: British Permian saccate and monosulcate miospores

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 8
Part: 2
Publication Date: July 1965
Page(s): 322 354
Author(s): R. F. A. Clarke
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Thirty-three species belonging to seventeen genera are recorded and described from the British Uppei Permian (Zechstein). Six species are considered to be new. Three variants are described for Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonie and Klaus 1954 and the diagnosis is emended. The sample localities, brief lithological descriptions, and some spore frequencies are given together with a comparison of the present assemblages with those previously described from other parts of the world. It is concluded that a uniform flora existed throughout the Upper Permian in Great Britain and that this differed little from the Permian vegetation of Western Europe in general.
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