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Article: Chlamydophyllum, Iowaphyllum, and Sinospongophyllum (Rugosa) from the Devonian of New South Wales

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 10
Part: 3
Publication Date: November 1967
Page(s): 426 435
Author(s): D. L. Strusz
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The new species Chlamydophyllum minus and lowaphyllum cabonnense are described from the Lower Devonian Garra Formation of New South Wales. This is the first record of lowaphyllum from Australia. Sinospongophyllum tabulatum Hill, known from the Devonian limestones of Mt. Etna and Silverwood, Queensland, is also recorded from the Garra Formation. The correlation of these limestones with the Garra Formation is discussed; it is concluded that the three are representatives of an Eastern Australian faunal association of probable Emsian, and possible Early Eifelian age.
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