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Article: Silurian leptaenids (Brachiopoda)

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 10
Part: 4
Publication Date: December 1967
Page(s): 590 602
Author(s): F. B. Kelly
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Following the work of Poulsen (1943) the paper discusses the standing of Leptaena rhomboidalis (Wahlenberg 1821) and Leptaena depressa (James Sowerby 1825). The two species are redescribed and neotypes selected. Two new species of Leptaena are described: Leptaena poulseni and Leptaena arberae from the Wenlock Limestone of England. A new genus of leptaenid brachiopods is erected and the type species, Ludfordina pixis sp. nov., is described. This species is from the Lower Ludlow of Shropshire, England.
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