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Article: Probable angiosperm pollen from British Barremian to Albian strata

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 11
Part: 3
Publication Date: July 1968
Page(s): 421 434
Author(s): Elizabeth M. Kemp
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Two species of the genus Clavatipollenites Couper are described. One is a redescription of the type species, Clavatipollenites hughesii, from the Upper Barremian part of the Wealden Series. The other, Clavatipollenites rotundus, is a new species from the Middle Albian Lower Gault. Three species of tricolpate angio-spermous grains are described. Only one of these, Tricolpites albiensis, from the Upper Albian, occurs in sufficient quantity to be formally named as a new species. These forms constitute the earliest record of recognizable angiosperm grains from England.
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