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Article: Spore assemblages and their stratigraphical application in the Lower and Middle Devonian of North and Central Vestspitsbergen

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 10
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1967
Page(s): 280 297
Author(s): K. C. Allen
Addition Information

How to Cite

ALLEN, K. C. 1967. Spore assemblages and their stratigraphical application in the Lower and Middle Devonian of North and Central Vestspitsbergen. Palaeontology10, 2, 280–297.

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The Palaeontological Association (Free Access)


Rock samples were collected from numerous stratigraphically measured sections throughout the Lower and Middle Devonian of North and Central Vestspitsbergen. An assessment has been made of the stratigraphical value of the dispersed spore content from over 250 rock samples which were prepared for microscopic investigation. Absence of spores from Andree Land makes correlation less complete than was originally anticipated. Sections from North and Central Dickson Land have produced three distinct successive spore assemblages; the Culpa (lower) Assemblage, the Eximius (middle) Assemblage, and the Triangulatus (upper) Assemblage.
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