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Article: A revision of some Upper Devonian foraminifera from Western Australia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 11
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1968
Page(s): 601 609
Author(s): James E. Conkin and Barbara M. Conkin
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Arenaceous foraminifera described by Crespin (1961) from the Upper Devonian Virgin Hills and Gogo Formations of the Fitzroy Basin of Western Australia are revised. Four genera and eight species are recognized; these include Oxinoxis Gutschick 1962 and Sorosphaeroidea Stewart and Lampe 1947, which were previously recorded only from the Middle Palaeozoic of the United States. The similarity of the fauna to Upper Devonian foraminiferal faunas in the United States and Europe is described.Several new occurrences of foraminifera are reported from the Silurian and Devonian of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania.
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