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Article: The unusual brachial skeleton of Attenuatella convexa sp. nov. (Brachiopoda)

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 11
Part: 5
Publication Date: December 1968
Page(s): 783 792
Author(s): John Armstrong
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Excellently preserved specimens of Attenuatella convexa sp. nov. have enabled reconstruction of a unique brachial skeleton for Attenuatella. Apart from this characteristic the genus is closest to members of the Ambocoeliinae (Spiriferida) and its inclusion in this subfamily is still the most plausible supra-generic grouping. Globally, eleven species of Attenuatella are now documented and the known range of the genus is from the lower Artinskian (Aktastinian) to the Kazanian or Wordian Stage. The species Attenuatella convexa sp. nov., Attenuatella sp. A, and Attenuatella sp. cf. incurvata Waterhouse are here described from Queensland.
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