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Article: The Bajocian ammonite Dorsetensia in Skye, Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 15
Part: 3
Publication Date: September 1972
Page(s): 504 518
Author(s): N. Morton
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The genus Dorsetensia is revised to include Ammonitespinguis Roemer and related species. Dimorphism is possible but separate specific names for macroconchs and microconchs are retained for the present. In the basal part of the Humphriesianum Zone and Subzone D. hannoverana (Hiltermann) (? M), D. hebridica sp. nov. (? M), and D. pinguis (Roemer) (?m) occur, while stratigraphically higher in the Humphriesianum Subzone are D. liostraca Buckman (? M) and D. romani (Oppel) (? m).
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