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Article: A new Jurassic scaphopod from the Oxford Clay of Buckinghamshire

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1975
Page(s): 377 383
Author(s): Charles Philip Palmer
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A new fossil scaphopod Prodentalium calveriensis from the middle Callovian, Coronaium Zone, of divert. Buckinghamshire, is described and assigned to the genus Prodentalium. It is suggested that this essentially Palaeozoic genus ranged into the Mesozoic and was there replaced by Fissidentalium. and that the two genera formed an evolutionary sequence.The association, with P. caltenensis, of the foraminiferan Episfomina is taken 10 indicate lhai these probably formed part of the diet of the scaphopods. Arguments, based on comparative shell morphology of Prodentalium and Fissidentalium, suggest that P. calverieasis lived at a depth in excess of 200 m in the Oxford Clay sea.
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