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Article: Normanicythere gen. nov. (Pleistocene and Recent) and the division of the ostracod family Trachyleberididae

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 2
Part: 1
Publication Date: October 1959
Page(s): 72 93
Author(s): John W. Neale
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Taxonomic criteria are examined and a review of the family Trachyleberididae leads to a revised diagnosis of the subfamily Hemicytherinae. One of Norman's specimens is designated lectotype of Normanicythere leioderma, the type species of the new genus. The lectotype and a number of syntypes are figured for the first time, together with fossil Pleistocene material. Changes of hinge structure during development are described. The affinities of the genus are discussed and its growth and distribution examined.
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