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Article: Salterella (Early Cambrian; Agmata) from the Scottish Highlands

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 26
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1983
Page(s): 253 260
Author(s): Ellis L. Yochelson
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Serpulites maccullochi Murchison, the earliest described species to be assigned to Salterella, is redescribed. Specimens are illustrated from thin sections from the Salterella Grit exposed on Loch Eriboll. Additional specimens are illustrated from the overlying Ghrudaidh Formation, there and at several other localities. Specimens from the Salterella Grit of Salterella maccullochi are identical to Volborthella tenuis from Estonia and that species is placed in the synonymy of Salterella maccullochi. The species is a senior synonym of S. rugosa Billings, S. expansa Poulsen, and probably S. mexicana Lochman.
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