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Article: New stratigraphically significant foraminifera from the Dinantian of Great Britain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 26
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1983
Page(s): 435 442
Author(s): A. R. E. Strank
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Four new genera of foraminifera are described. Two of these, Gigasbia (Earlandiidae) and Bibradya (Endothyridae), are diagnostic guides to the Asbian Stage, and a third, Melatolla (Endothyridae), characterizes Brigantian strata. Biorbis, the fourth new genus is of uncertain affinities and has been found in strata of Arundian to Brigantian age. Cribrospira denticulata sp. nov. is confined to Asbian strata.
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