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Article: The diminutive thecideidine brachiopod Enallothecidea pygmaea (Moore) from the Middle Jurassic of England

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 26
Part: 3
Publication Date: July 1983
Page(s): 663 669
Author(s): P. G. Baker
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The discovery of new sources of material has enabled restudy of the minute Thecideum pygmaeum Moore, 1861. Although their general organization is close to that of the monoseptal representatives of the Moorellininae the new specimens differ from typical thecideidines in the absence of both dorsal median septum and hemispondylium and in the presence of an incomplete subperipheral rim. The form may prove to be important in tracing the phylogeny of the Thecideidina. It is assigned to a new genus Enallothecidea whose characters are considered to be sufficiently distinctive to warrant its inclusion in a new subfamily, the Enallothecideinae.
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