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Article: Silurian odontopleurid trilobites from Gotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 27
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1984
Page(s): 239 264
Author(s): Lars Ramsköld
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Trilobites of the family Odontopleuridae are described from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Twelve species and subspecies (nine named, of which four are new) are assigned to four genera. Anacaenaspis gotlandensis Bruton, 1967 is considered to be a junior subjective synonym of Acidaspis pectinata Angelin, 1854, which is therefore the type species of the genus. Primaspis (Taemasaspis) Chatterton, 1971 is regarded as a junior subjective synonym of Dudleyaspis, which in addition to the nominate subgenus includes D. (Snoderaspis) subgen. nov. Ceratocephala barrandii (Fletcher in Salter, 1853), A. pectinata, Leonaspis coronata (Salter, 1853) and L. crenata (Emmrich, 1844) are also known outside Gotland. New species and subspecies described are D. (Dudleyaspis) hamrensis, D. (Dudleyaspis) uncifera, D. (Snoderaspis) krausi, and Leonaspis coronata bufo.
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