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Article: Early Devonian conodont faunas from Buchan and Bindi, Victoria, Australia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 30
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1987
Page(s): 251 297
Author(s): Ruth Mawson
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Conodont faunas of the Taravale Formation, in sections measured at Buchan and Bindi, Victoria (south-eastern Australia), contain polygnathid conodonts representative of the dehiscens, perbonus/gronbergi, inversus, and serotinus zones of the Early Devonian (late Pragian to middle Dalejan). New taxa described are Polygnathus dehiscens abyssus, P. labiosus and P. pseudoserotinus (both belonging to a lineage derived from P. d. abyssus), P. nothoperbonus, and Ozarkodina prolata. The ammonoid faunas of the Taravale Formation are shown to be restricted to the dehiscens and perbonus zones. Three species of goniatites, associated with two or more species of bactritids, occur within the dehiscens zone at Buchan and are thus among the oldest firmly dated ammonoids in the world.
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