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Article: Ammonites from the type Santonian and adjacent parts of northern Aquitaine, western France

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 30
Part: 4
Publication Date: December 1987
Page(s): 765 782
Author(s): W. J. Kennedy
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The ammonite fauna of the Santonian stage in its type area and adjacent parts of northern Aquitaine is revised, and five species recognized: Placenticeras polyopsis (Dujardin, 1837), P. paraplanum Wiedmann, 1978, Texanites (Texanites) gallicus Collignon, 1948, Eulophoceras austriacum (Summesberger, 1979) and Boehmoceras loescheri Riedel, 1931. The Santonian corresponds to the range zone of P. polyopsis, the P. syrtale of European authors, a view already expressed by A. de Grossouvre in 1901; no finer zonal division based on ammonites is recognizable.
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