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Article: Permian pelecypods newly recorded from eastern Australia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 4
Part: 1
Publication Date: April 1961
Page(s): 119 130
Author(s): J. M. Dickins
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Atomodesma (Atomodesma) bisulcata sp. nov., Pseudomyalina sp., and Oriocrassatella queenslandica sp. nov. are described from Queensland, and Etheridge jun.'s figured specimen of Sanguinolites concentricus (Etheridge sen.) is referred doubtfully to Pyramus. Atomodesma (Aphanaia) is recorded from Queensland and Schizodus from Queensland and New South Wales. Atomodesma, Pseudomyalina, and Oriocrassatella have not previously been described from Eastern Australia. On the basis of the pelecypod fauna the Cattle Creek Formation of Queensland is regarded as most likely of early Artinskian (Lower Permian) age and the Crocker Formation, which is considered to be the equivalent of the Mantuan Productus Bed, is regarded as of Kungurian to Kazanian age.
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