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Article: Carboniferous fossils from the Kuttung rocks of New South Wales

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 4
Part: 3
Publication Date: October 1961
Page(s): 428 474
Author(s): K. S. W. Campbell
Addition Information

How to Cite

CAMPBELL, K. S. W. 1961. Carboniferous fossils from the Kuttung rocks of New South Wales. Palaeontology4, 3, 428–474.

Online Version Hosted By

The Palaeontological Association (Free Access)


Brachiopod, polyzoan, molluscan, conulariid, and blastoid faunas from the Booral and Isaacs Formations on the south-eastern side of the Gloucester trough, north of Newcastle, N.S.W., are described. Five new brachiopod genera are established—the spiriferoids Alispirifer, Liriplica, and Spinuliplica; the rhynchonelloid Lissella; and the terebratuloid Booralia. Twenty new species and one new subspecies are named and described, including the type species of all the new genera. The faunas are not closely related to either the lower Carboniferous or the Permian faunas of eastern Australia, but there are affinities with those of similar age in Argentina. It is concluded that the Booral Formation is Westphalian in age and the Isaacs Formation possibly as late as Stephanian.
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