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Article: Aggregation behaviour in juvenile millipedes from the Upper Carboniferous of Mazon Creek, Illinois

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 49
Part: 4
Publication Date: July 2006
Page(s): 733 740
Author(s): Heather M. Wilson
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Two ironstone nodules are described from the Braidwood Biota of the Upper Carboniferous Mazon Creek Lagerstatte, Illinois, each preserving numerous juvenile millipedes referred to Euphoberia sp. The millipedes belong to different stadia, as evidenced by segment number, but are similar in size so probably nearly the same age. These juvenile euphoberiids differ from adults in having shorter pleurotergal spines, a reduced number of ocelli and a series of reduced, apodous trunk rings posteriorly. These nodules provide the first evidence of aggregation behaviour in Palaeozoic millipedes. Aggregation in juvenile euphoberiids is hypothesized to serve as a defence mechanism, compensating for the reduced length of their pleurotergal spines relative to adults, possibly through a collective chemical defence.
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